Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mount Fuji

Yeeees, time to go to nature! So exciting! I woke up super early and by 6:30 Ii left the hotel... just to have time in case I got lost again in the station :) But I guess I learnt the way and not only I didn't but I made it on time for an earlier train! yeha! more time to enjoy :)

The train ride was beautiful :) It's just amazing how quickly you get out of such a big city like Tokyo to be in the nature. I had to change to a little train, really reminded me of Switzerland! This one was really cute and everyone went Wowwww when suddenly Mt Fuji was on the other side of the window and like many others I stood up to make pictures :) The train slowed down so we can all enjoy the views, isn't it that nice?!

I decided to have a few stops before the last  Mt Fuji one... ha! was not planning today to go hiking, unfortunately it is still not the season to do this, but there is plenty to do!

The first stop took me up a very easy hill and to a beautiful red pagoda... like the typical picture we all see of a Pagoda and Mt Fuji on the back... I guess is that one, or at least one of those... stunning! I met some Thai people travelling as it was kids school holidays for them. They were surprised how fast i reached the top :) jajaj. I really enjoyed the views from this place... this volcano is big and very impressive.. I was just happy to be in the nature :)

It was time for my next stop... this time a temple/monastery which is at the base of the mountain and from where the hike starts. 

This is an important place for all hikers as you are supposed to pass by there and it will give you good luck as you go up!
While entering the temple there was a couple making wedding pictures, seriously, so cute, I love how the woman look in the beautiful kimonos, just stunning, It felt going back in time or something.

While I was going around the temple I really wished I could go up Mt.Fuji, I am sure it may be a very beautiful and memorable experience. I took my time in this place and then walked back to the station to go to the last Fuji train stop.... this was really like CH, a little mountain town, just with Japanese style houses and a lot of peach everywhere, I took some peach juice which was delicious!

I walked to a cable car of the sort to go to the top of a mountain from where there were stunning views of the lakes and of course, the star of Mt Fuji, jajajaj this was super touristy, full of groups with flags and name tags... agrr! anyway, I took part of a hiking path until a found a quite spot with a nice view and I stayed there for a long while. Just admiring the natural beauty of the place, really nice what nature does :) I met a French guy travelling with his mum, helped them with some pictures and we had a nice chat!

After my meditative state it was time to go back to the city after a wonderful day! I passed by the peach smoothies cart, took one and got a nice rice snack and had a nice train ride back to Tokyo.

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